Continue to be radically transformed, go deeper, grow stronger

Go deeper. Continue the life-transforming work that began at your Phase 1 Experience with like-minded men over an 11-week deep dive that is intentional, powerful, and safe. Take the next step to become an even STRONGER man for Jesus Christ.

What to expect

  • Continue radical faith transformation
  • Develop faith strength training skills
  • Continue personal brokenness exploration
  • Continue to find healing for personal brokenness with the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Learn to live God’s purpose for you
  • Experience authentic encouragement and brotherly support
  • No judgment
  • Learn to walk with other brothers in mission
  • Learn how to effectively deal with conflict
  • Building stronger men for Jesus Christ

Have you completed your Phase 2 Training?

If you have completed your Phase 1 Experience and would like to register click below!
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